French Canadian stage director recipient of an MFA degree from the University of Ottawa Fanny Gilbert-Collet directs her version of Les Dialogues des Carmélites and La Bohème in 2013, realising her dream of working in opera. She then lands in Europe in 2014 where she thrives in the pulsating opera and muziek theater milieu. She gathers professional experiences throughout her contracts in some of the best opera houses working with some of the best directors (Clément, Thalheimer, Perceval, Bieito, Gürbaca, Van Hove, De Keerstmaeker and many more). Honoured by Canadian awards and grants for her staging of the original creation Ik Onkar and Savitri (in the Young Artist Program of the Vancouver Opera) Fanny decides to move to Belgium to explore and develop her own multi-disciplinary style through her concept of Dido & Aeneas presented in the Gentse Feesten in summer 2019 invited back for summer 2021. Her concept of Don Giovanni? brings her to the limited finalist panel in National Theater Mannheim. After participating to the Barok Avond of De Studio with Transkamer she develops a concept for the creation 3 FEMMES chosen by Le Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg for their very selective edition of Talentlab 2021. In November of the same year Fanny directed the creation Lost & Found co-produced by Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, festival Europalia, musical ensemble Cascophil and Muziek Theater Transparant for a series of shows presented in the train stations in Antwerp and in Brussels. Just before Doem & Verlossing with the IOA presented in Opera Gent, Gilbert-Collet signed the stage revival of Entführung aus dem Serail from Luk Perceval in National Theater Mannheim and Grand Théâtre du Luxembourg.
In the past season, Fanny Gilbert-Collet made her debut at the heart of the Brussels Philharmonic as stage director for the concert Dreams, presented in Flagey. She will then continue this exciting collaboration with the event Ein Heldenleben, using her voice to create a mystifying soundscape with the words of Natsume Soseki and of Pablo Neruda. She will also sign the concept for their last show of the season by staging the outrageously well-known Carmina Burana. 2023-2024 brings Fanny in France where she will revive the colourful Der Silbersee by Ersan Mondtag in the Opéra National de Lorraine and the infamous Tristan & Isolde by filmmaker Philippe Grandrieux. But her heart is also in Opera Ballet Flanders where she revives the beloved Les Pêcheurs de perles by FC Bergman.